Thursday, June 20, 2013

SIP soda for the Soul

When I launched SIP soda 2 years ago, I really didn’t know what to expect.  I knew it would be a rocky  journey with lots of challenges and few rewards, but what really fills my soul are not just the fans, but the fanatics.  Never in a million years did I expect customers to rally around SIP like they do, so excited to share their first SIP experience with us and with the world.
As an entrepreneur you work for pennies and the rewards in the early years are slim, but it’s the fans and their stories that really fill your sails and soften the hard edges of building a business.  Here are just a few SIP surprises.
A  women emails to say all she wants for Mother’s Day is SIP, so she sends her husband and daughter out to the supermarket to get some and they can’t find it. When I emailed back to say the store had a large display of SIP in the front entrance ,they must have missed it,  she sends them back a second time to purchase it, but emails again, to say the display looked messy, so they cleaned it up for us, while they were there.  Amazing – this was my Mother’s day present.
Another customer who I met at a demo, took SIP to another city and sold it into two big supermarkets there just because she wanted to pick it up on the way to her summer cottage. The store contacted us and placed a large opening order for two of their locations.
A man arrived recently at another demo who wanted to share with me that he had tried all the beverages at Whole Foods Market and thought SIP was the very best.
We also have a lot of brides who like to serve SIP at their weddings, but one Bride actually gave away a bottle of SIP with a cocktail recipe attached, as her wedding favor.
I can’t thank our fans and SIP fanatics enough and seldom have the opportunity to communicate not only how hearfelt these stories are but more importantly, how they fill my sails  and provide the momentum to just keep going.
What can I say ……we love our fans!
Jennifer Martin
Chief Soda Officer

SIPsoda co ltd.

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