Thursday, November 24, 2011

Glass Packaging - part of Pure

When it comes to packaging a pure beverage, there is only one choice … 
Glass is made from pure ingredients ( limestone, sand and soda ash), is completely inert (no chemical leaching) and is recycleable.  A pure beverage deserves pure packaging and the benefits of glass far outweigh the disadvantages of weight, breakage and additional shipping costs.

While plastic makes good economic sense, it fails miserably with health and environment. Many plastic bottles contain Benzene and Styrene which can leach into the beverage contributing to potential health issues such as cancer and infertility.   Despite efforts to create compostable plastics, some take thousands of years to breakdown and there are now more plastic fragments from plastic bottles deep in the ocean than plankton, for our fish to feed on. (see documentary “Tapped”) For these reasons, there is a growing movement to ban bottled water in Universities and other institutions.  While bottled water appears to be the target, it should include any beverage bottled in plastic.

Thankfully there are alternatives. Here’s 5 reasons worth considering when choosing a beverage packed in glass – Taste, Health, Quality, Sustainability and Sensory. (feels colder than plastic)

Sparkling regards,

Jennifer Martin  FdSc, MBA

Chief Soda Officer

SIPsoda co. ltd.