Tuesday, December 16, 2014

When big companies take good ingredients and garbage them up!

This is my pet peeve for 2014.  Why do big companies do this?
They take a healthy ingredient and combine it with junk – what’s the point?
I used to drink Matcha lattes from a popular coffee company but on closer examination, I discovered these drinks are not only loaded with sugar but they add artificial flavors and it is not even possible to order this drink unsweet because the matcha powder itself is mixed with sugar, then they add additional syrup for even more sweetness.
There is also a popular loose tea company that sells expensive loose leaf tea but then adds artificial flavors to it.  Further, the tea is imbalanced with the artificial flavor being the most prominent, almost completely masking the natural tea flavors.
Start looking and you will find many examples of this in the marketplace. Sadly, consumers are drawn to these deceptive products for their health benefits, so please be cautious.
We hope consumers come to rely on SIP for not doing this.  We use only clean ingredients and safe levels of added cane sugar. 
Watch for our new line of completely clean, barely sweet hot drinks coming soon.
Happy Holidays to all,
Jennifer Martin
Chief Soda Officer